Saturday, July 17, 2010

June 5, 2010

June 5, 2010 - Nan came early in the morning, to get ready for Hmong Women's Heritage Association (HWHA) End of the Year Banquet and after we finish getting ready, we headed to Hiram W. Johnson High School (the event is held at) with Nan, Mai Doua (Oldest Sister), Pa Kou (Youngest sister) and My Mom (Chong). After the banquet, Mai (Doua) drive us (me,PaKou) to Arden Fair Mall at North Sac. and i went to Wet Seal to try on clothes (which i always do) then after that we went to kick it with Chee Nou's (Mai Boyfriend) friend. Before going to Arden Mall, Mai was planning to go see Chee (Nou) but we want to go to the Mall so after staying awhile at Chee's house, we went to the Mall then go to the Brithday Party which is my friend boyfriend BD party and he is Chee's friend so I call it "Kick it with Chee's Friend"

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